A New Life
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This blog is a challenge for me to be more healthier, taking care of myself & organizing my life one week at a time.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Unfinished Projects

ABC's of Greeting Cards

These are some of my unfinished projects that I am trying to finsh, I'll post my finished projects as I go. Here is a simple unfinished project that will help others to do something with their greeting cards. If you have a lot, help others to do the same with their or your greeting cards (This will help you get rid of your cards). You can have as many G's or H's in one, I just put as many cute ones I have received from a friend that taught me to do this. Here are some pics I have for this project, if you have any other ideas let me know.

Here is the letter H for holidays:

Here is the letter K for kitty:
I just went from A to Z in the alphabet and created words on the side with or without extra decorations. I'll post a few more letters of the alphabet to show you what I mean. I'm so happy I finished a small project, it seems like such a big step for me to further my enthusiasm to finish other pending projects. YAY!! I'm so glad I finished this project because it gave me the enthusiasm to get back into my creative side. My next project is to finish my scrapbook, I want to send to my mother-in-law. Stay tuned...

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